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Raye Robinson Takes the Power in a Fairy Tale World on "Prince Charming"

For music lovers who enjoy positive, radiant, and upbeat songs, Raye Robinson’s new single is for you. “Prince Charming” swirls around the fairytale theme, flowing through a variety of scenarios where first dates believe they will be Robinson’s courageous savior. For fans of Taylor Swift, the alt-pop singer found a deeper connection and love for music following the pandemic, and is taking back her creative control with her latest single! 

As her first release of the year, Robinson has been taking time to perfect and grow the song. “I’ve honestly had ‘Prince Charming’ for a really long time,” she explains, “I just kept feeling it wasn’t quite right, not exactly where I wanted it.”

But in recent collaboration with producer, Evan Chambers, the two were able to make “Prince Charming” fit more sonically with what Robinson intended for the song. Containing amazing vocals from Robinson herself, mixed with glowing instrumentals, this single was well worth the wait!

“We were constantly at this middle ground with it, so we stepped away for a couple months,” Robinson describes the production process, “[Evan] basically ripped everything apart, and just started from scratch; it just feels so right and so much lighter now.”

Taking us on a journey through her post-break up dating situations, “Prince Charming” describes the mindset of men trying to save a “damsel in distress.” However, throughout the song we hear the invigorating opposing perspective of Robinson, showing off her own power as a woman and how she is far from needing saving.

“I found this amazing sense of peace with being alone and being by myself that I had never had before,” Robinson continues, “It was such a freeing and relieving feeling, after putting my whole sense of self into someone else.”

The single builds on the idea of being free when you’re alone, making the song an anthem for those needing self-assurance and an ultimate confidence booster. With the chorus lyrics, “Don’t you worry about me baby/You don’t gotta come and save me/ Cause lately I’ve learned how to save myself,” Robinson is able to highlight her own liberating experience and push that to the listeners. 

“I was always so afraid to be alone… So I really had to, and got to, dive into myself.”

- Raye Robinson

Robinson’s lyricism has always been a major focal point of the music. Each song is typically built on a metaphor that she is always amazing at playing around and expanding on. Specifically for “Prince Charming,” the constant use of references to a fairytale story, while also still referring to her own experiences is creative and wildly artistic.

“I do think it kind of just helps me to have a metaphor to write around,” Robinson explains her writing process, “I write all these visuals, thoughts, and lyrics that I want to fit in around that same theme.”

Some of the lyrical allusions such as “Because I’m not the Princess/Babe, I’m the king,” and “Not looking for a new Prince Charming/I’m happy fighting dragons on my own,” show Robinson building an entire narrative with her words alone.

As for the actual rhythm and instruments, Robinson is far from shying away from a fun and upbeat melody. Often taking an experience that could typically be seen as something negative, and changing its whole energy with the inclusion of lively trumpets, synths, and bass to create an entirely positive and fresh new take on a situation.

“I’ve always felt like there is not as much upbeat, positive music being made as there is sad music,” Robinson elaborates, “I’m very optimistic, upbeat, and bubbly and I want my music to reflect that.”

Raye Robinson is constantly pushing dynamic and electrifying new singles into the world. With a hint at an upcoming EP and more music in the near future, she is undoubtedly a musical artist to keep an eye on the rest of the year! 

Check out Raye Robinson’s new single, “Prince Charming” available now!