Pop's Latest Icon, Flo Gallop Introduces Single, "Can't Be Friends"

Article by Chadha Nacer

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Flo Gallop’s newest single “Can’t Be Friends” is an explosive blend of breathtaking pop sounds that narrate and guide you through the struggles of a past relationship, detailing attempts to navigate platonic grounds and repeatedly failing. The sound is reminiscent of 2010’s fascination with infusing typical pop elements with electronic characteristics.

Beginning with an acoustic guitar, Gallop’s distinct and delightful voice lilts over the instrumental with smooth cadences and unique annunciation. As the song plays on, a synth begins creeping up, signaling that this would be no stripped-down arrangement, and Gallop does not disappoint. The song creates a bombastic lead-up to an amazing chorus that cannot be described as anything less than an ear-worm. Now accompanied by the brilliant use of backup vocals and a fierce instrumental, Gallop strikes the listener with a sound that catches your attention and refuses to let go.

Lyrically, Gallop has an uncanny ability to convey a very accessible emotion with amazing regard to the point of view of the listener. Although it's a situation that many have experienced, Gallop put her own personal twist on it in a way that can only be expected from pop’s future new big artist. Her attention to the rhythm of the words in the way that they fit the song is admirable and creates a well-rounded track. Views of juxtapositional terms like “deafening silence” place the listener in a frame of mind. Gallop leads us through this emotional journey accompanied by an amazing beat.

If you're looking for a relatable breakup anthem or a new song to scream with your friends as you're barreling down the road, wind in your face, this song and artist were handpicked and packaged for you. It will keep you humming it in your head and tapping your foot long after you've actually listened to the song. Flo Gallop's “Can’t Be Friends” would not only be a recommendation but one that I personally believe is a brand new staple in my playlist.

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