Believe It or Not, Makeoutgrrl Is About To Become Your New Favorite Artist

Hailing from the City of Brotherly Love, Makeoutgrrl is definitely an artist to watch. With tracks such as “Roller Rink" and "Bedroom”, her dynamic songwriting and raw authenticity stands out. We had the chance to chop it up with the talented singer on her musical process, her latest single, and what makes her the artist that she is. Read the full interview below:

What made you come up with the name Makeoutgrrl?

“My stage name “Makeoutgrrl” started as an Instagram handle I had made in highschool. I had written a song called ‘makeout machine’ and felt passionate about making music for people to kiss to, haha.”

How were things growing up and what made you realize you wanted to become an artist?

“I’ve always been someone drawn to creative expression, I guess. In all of my home videos I’m singing or dancing and really just an attention hog. The more I grow as a person, the reasons for making music changes a little, but I think it's just something I was born loving.”

What are some of your artist and music inspirations?

“I have so many! I love Julia Jacklin, Jensen McRae, Norah Jones, Tori Amos, Joni Mitchell, Bjork... My friends who make music inspire me, too- Daphne Ellen, XEMI, Julia Pratt, and Harlee Torres.”

What do you want listeners to get out of your latest release “Roller Rink” and the rest of your music?

“I hope people enjoy it and find their own personal meaning in it. Listening to music always helps me understand my thoughts and feelings, maybe Roller Rink or any of my songs can be fun to listen to for others, or a way to help them understand themselves.”

What was the last 5 songs you downloaded on Spotify or Apple Music?

“The last 5 tracks I downloaded were the first 5 songs from Phoebe Bridgers’ record Punisher.”

What was the last movie you saw in theatres and if you had your own film, who would play you?

“The last film I saw was Bones and All and it was so freaky good. Hmm I would want Maya Hawke or maybe Diana Silvers.”

Any upcoming plans for 2023 that you can share to us?

“Working on a big body of music!”

Make sure to check out Makeoutgrrl’s, “Roller Rink” available on all platforms now.

Donovan Carter